Old School
Cool classic, All i got was 808 sec. Cudnt get passed those 3 ships
Good game
Old School
Cool classic, All i got was 808 sec. Cudnt get passed those 3 ships
Good game
Keep trying! They're pretty simple when you figure 'em out. Don't forget to collect space coins so you can afford weapon upgardes. Destroy entire waves & groups of the enemies to get the space coins. Also keep in mind the closer you are to an enemy. the faster you shoot, the more damage you do more quickly. Get close to the 3 ships when they stop to fire & you'll take 'em out in no time.. The game rewards risky play.
Kool Game.I never thought there would be a game on Newgrounds about being on Newgrounds.......koooooooooL
BuRn RuBBer
Nice game.Glad u can download it
THingy ThinG ThiNg
This is coo game,i like.The only prob is when i keep sho0ting for long periods of time,it slows down and gets stuck in that same motion for 5-6 extra shots, and the thing thing moves slow.
But everthing eles is Spectacular(except 4 the storyline)!!!!!!!!
Nice Work!!!!
I like this game a lot,the only prob iz for some games like suUper suvival, the quality was all fucced up.All u need is a quality button and ur good!!!!!!!!!!
Great Sniper Game
That was a good snipering game but, for Tactical Assassin 2 you should probly add color along with a 3rd person view of the assasin.Is that asking for 2 much???
Just like the original Raiden. GREAT Job just work on some of the graphics and backgrounds and were good.
Kool Game
It was a kool game except for the repetitive enemies,and after a while the gameplay seemed slow and also the guns were pointless except for cornering eneimies.
Never tried to doge a bullet b4,that was something new.Keep up the creative work
Kushy cush weed bush
Age 35, Male
I love California !
Joined on 12/9/05